Here's one of my favourite plants from the botanical gardens. It's a gymea lily, described as " Sword-like leaves more than 1 m long surround a huge flower spike up to 6 m high, bearing at its apex a large cluster of bright red flowers, each 10 cm across." They're planted along roads in Sydney to cut CO2 emissions. And they're edible, or at least the fibres can be pounded into some kind of edible product. Mmm.
1 comment:
Personally I think the chocolates sound a lot more enticing than the plant.
Glad to hear you made it in one piece. I still hate you but I plan to live vicariously through you (except for the whole snake, spiders, scorpions thing).
I can't access your email so I'm hoping you got notification that your paper had been accepted. Let me know if you need me to contact someone specifically.
Just to make you happy, it's been snowing for three days here. The wet, slushy miserable kind that makes everyone ornery. Remember, we have connections and can find you, so don't get any ideas about staying too long.
Have fun, drink lots of wine. I'll be looking out for the next blog.
Cheers, Deb
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