Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Pig Iron People

Saw a fantastic play at the Sydney Opera House: Australian playwright John Doyle's Pig Iron People. Our last few plays in Ottawa were a tremendous disappointment (National Arts Centre plays ruined by the painful extravagances of Peter Hinton). As well, we saw a horrible play the last time we were in New York (Boeing Boeing), we were anxious to see something good. Pig Iron People was excellent: funny, biting, and tremendously sad without being sentimental. There were a number of caustic reference's to John Howard's rule as Prime Minister (the perpetually angry and emotionally abusive neighbour in the play is named John Howard, his wife is named Janette and they live on Liberal street). Luckily after spending several days with the uncles we understood even the sly references to the Howard administration.

(Photos: Us in front of the Sydney Opera House, of course.)

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