Friday, December 26, 2008


On boxing day, Bob, Jenny, Lesley, Blayne and I went for a ferry cruise along the Brisbane river. Before we got on the ferry, we spotted a possum being chased by crows, perhaps because it stole eggs. After the possum escaped from the crows, I managed to get several close-up shots while it determined how it should escape. In these pictures, it's climbing mangrove trees that are growing in the water beside the ferry stop. 

Bob and Jenny's place has quite a population of the poisonous and invasive cane toads. The toads were imported from the United States to try to kill scarab bugs that were attacking the sugar cane but instead they escaped from the research lab. Much like the invasive rabbits, they increased the cane toads increased their population dramatically without any natural predators but unlike the rabbits the cane toads are happily eating and poisoning other species. 

This lizard was spotted in the Brisbane botanical gardens and sunning itself outside the Gallery of Modern Art. It appears to be a different kind of lizard than the one I saw in Canberra. 

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